I’m hoping someone has an idea here. I think this is a Chrome cache issue, not a runbox-specific issue, but am not sure.
I cleaned out my history and cookies in Chrome earlier this week. When I logged back into runbox, there were over 300 emails in the inbox. I gave it time to “settle down,” and after about 1/2 hour all the inbox emails went to their appropriate folders. EXCEPT for 4 emails. I seem to be unable to delete those or open them … they just keep appearing in the inbox. This has gone on all week.
The reason I don’t think this is runbox is that runbox on my android app and another computer (same mac iOS - though using Brave browser) are working/syncing properly.
I can try another history/cache clear on Chrome, but given how upset runbox got the last time I’m a little afraid to do it, lol.
Ideas anyone?