Degradation in Runbox's Internal SpamAssassin Functionality: Ongoing Issues

I’m writing to report ongoing issues with the spam filtering in my Runbox account. Over the past year or so, I have noticed a significant increase in the amount of obvious spam and scam emails making their way into my inbox on a daily basis. Despite regularly using the “report spam” functionality in the webmail interface, the issue persists, and it seems that this feature is having little to no effect.

It feels as though the SpamAssassin functionality has deteriorated over time, allowing more unwanted messages to slip through. As a long-time user, I have not experienced this level of spam intrusion before, and it’s becoming quite disruptive.

I’m curious if there are any planned updates to the spam filtering system to address these concerns.

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I found this an issue so I purchased SpamSieve which runs permanently on a spare Mac on my network. I have turned off all Runbox spam protection and simply run my own spam system. It works really well and you can train a false positive or negative so that it learns over time. This may or may not be helpful to you.


Since I primarily use my phone for sending and receiving emails, unfortunately, this option isn’t feasible.

Thanks though.

Given that Runbox uses IMAP any changes on any device connected to your account are replicated back to the server, hence your phone would reflect the changes too. If you have an old Mac lying around it’s a great option. I’m using a 2012 Mac Mini which just sits around doing its stuff.