Hi, I’ve used Runbox for many years and have avoided Runbox 7 for about as long as it has been in development. Every once in awhile I check-in on it to see if I can use it as my daily go-to access for email. Unfortunately, I still can’t do so for the following reason:
Every time I login to Runbox 7, I have to 1) Turn off the side preview pane; 2) When viewing my first email, turn the pane on and set it to bottom view; 3) When viewing my first email, turn on HTML and Images for All Senders.
The settings aren’t saved from one session to the next. If the settings are cookie-based, that won’t work for those of us who clear our browser cache on every close (I do).
Are these parameters that can be set at the account level to avoid doing so every single time?