Feature request: Spam report email


I wanted to document a feature I have found useful with another email provider as a suggestion for Runbox.

Send a daily (or whatever frequency is required) spam report via email.

An email is generated that provides a list of emails (the list would contain the “From address” and “Subject heading”) i.e. a summary of emails that have been caught by the spam filter since the last report. This summary email would arrive in the Inbox along with other emails. I use Thunderbird via POP and this is useful in case an email has gone to the span filter that should not have (that I would not know about without logging into the Runbox web interface). I can then log into Runbox itself and flag the incorrect emails as non spam.



Hello @nr1 and welcome to the forum.

Thanks for the idea.

In your current situation you could use IMAP rather than POP so that you don’t need to log in to the web interface to see messages in the spam folder. Just as with POP, IMAP also allows you to move messages and store them in local folders rather than on the server. Also, moving a message from Spam to the Inbox (and vice versa) via IMAP also trains the spam filter just as it does in the web interface.

I hope that might be of some help.

I use IMAP with my Runbox account and access via Thunderbird. I do not have access to my Runbox SPAM folder and have to login to webmail to see it. Is there something I need to do on the client side to enable this? Would be nice to have access to this locally.

You can subscribe to the Spam folder in Thunderbird, I have this in my Thunderbird setup for Runbox.

In Thunderbird, in the left hand column where your accounts are listed, right click on Runbox, then Subscribe. Select the folders to subscribe to. Check the Spam folder, then OK.

You may have to relaunch Thunderbird to see the Spam folder.

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Awesome! Thanks for the tip. Have been using Thunderbird for probably close to 20 years now and never new about that (or even know enough to look for it)

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