Folder lists unread messages when they should have been cleared [#928]

When using the Runbox 7, I went into a folder, and viewed the unread messages. Upon moving back into the folder view, my folder still lists an unread message.

I experienced this on my Samsung galaxy tab s2, and samsung s9+ . I confirmed the same folder reports 1 unread message even 10 hours later.

Note: toggling between the actual mail, and back to the folder does not change the folders unread messages status.

(If you are checking this , the folder is inbox/chase)

Notice folder reports 1 unread message

I attempted to duplicate this by going into another folder with unread mail (I went to inbox/acn) , I read all 3 unread emails, and went back to folder view to see the folder still reports 3 unread emails.

I then logged onto a computer running Windows 10 and chrome browser, I confirmed that the folders still reported new emails.

I then clicked on a folder in questions, and both folders now report no unread messages.

The runbox7 app also reports no unread emails in either folder.

I now used the Runbox 7 app to view 2 unread emails in the inbox/experian folder. Toggling back to the Runbox 7 app, the folder still reports 2 unread messages. Refreshing the chrome webmail on my pc also reports 2 unread messages in the inbox/experian folder.
In the time it took to write this post, I attempted another chrome refresh, and the folder now lists no unread messages at the chrome web browser (on my pc) and on the Runbox 7 app on my phone.

Additional note…
I shut down my windows chrome browser, and the foldermmissue of reporting unread emails if back again.

So it is reporting the wrong count again now after displaying correctly for a while?

In short… yes.
I just woke up and went to email this morning, looked into a folder reporting 1 new message, read the message, and came back to the folder view, and it still reports 1 new message.

I’ve repeated this several times in the same folder with the same result… Im still seeing the folder listing the message as having 1 new message and there should be none.

I just tried a variation on this issue. Here are my results.

Using Android tablet, no other logins to Runbox email on other devices.

Using runbox7, I observed 39 new emails showing in the folder view (the small blue bubble on the folder) for my inbox.

I read 2 emails. Going back to folder view i observed the inbox reads 39 new emails. I swiped down over the folders to initiate a refresh, and still observed 39 new emails being reported.

From the tablet, I opened a chrome browser and Runbox webmail.
I observed that I am logged in, and that I have 39 new emails on folder view.

At the chrome browser, I swiped down to initiate a refresh, and observed 39 new emails on folder view.

At the chrome browser, I selected another folder, and observed that there were now 37 new emails in the inbox being reported.

I returned to Runbox 7, and swiped down to refresh, and now observe 37 new emails being reported .

… it seems that viewing an email in Runbox 7 does not update the read email counters. The workaround is to select another folder, and then the counters are updated.

… another observation is that if I read an email using runbox7 , the subject goes from bold (unread) to regular (read), and during a refresh on the chrome browser (without changing folders), while the unread email count is wrong, the emails I just read (from the runbox7 app) appear on the chrome browser as regular (read messages)… I hope that helps

Thanks for the detailed report.

This is probably caused by a known bug (issue #928). I have referenced this thread in the issue and expect it to be resolved soon.

– Geir

A new version has been deployed that should report unread counters reliably.

– Geir