[]Read a message in Inbox.
[]Move the message to a folder (select title and drag to folder) - in this case a sub-folder.
[]Repeat for a number of messages in Inbox.
[]Go to the folder to which messages have been moved.
[]-> Messages not shown.
[]Click on folder title
[]-> No change
[]Wait 5 minutes and click on folder title
[*]-> Messages still do not appear
I then checked in Runbox v6 and the moved messages are shown in the folder.
richardm: Are you using an IMAP client alongside webmail? If so, messages moved previously via IMAP might be causing this problem and we are working on a fix for that. Otherwise I’m not able to reproduce the issue.
Yes, I am using an IMAP client (Newton) as that is still my default mechanism for reading email on mobile, which is 75% of the time. Thanks for the update - a fix would be god.