Multiple issues - sorry!


I spent an hour or two playing with the new interface and reading through the threads here. I’m not sure dumping all the info below into one thread is a great idea but I’ll be spamming the board forever if I do a thread for each, and some stuff is just for info for the developers and doesn’t need a discussion really.

Overall the new interface feels halfway between application and web page. Some of this seems like a bit of a hangover from RunBox 6. Might be worth more aggressively shaking off the shackles of the old way of doing things and really go full app like Zoho/Gmail.

Anyway, here are my findings, hopefully de-duplicated with other forum threads…

Some missing things:

[]no right click context menu support
]only dragging subject moves an email (why not other fields too?)
[]preview pane height not dynamically draggable/re-sizable (simply maximises height)
]No ctrl or shift selection of messages (laborious individual clicks instead)
[]No bulk mark read
]No bulk mark unread
[]No ability to flag messages, bulk or otherwise
]No indication message have attachments
Bugs/Undesired behaviour:

[]Read/Unread boldness indication persistent until page refresh. Even incoming new messages retain lack of boldness until refreshing the page (though they do show up without refresh)
]Closing message pane deselects multiple selection in message list - selection should persist.
[]Message preview pane hides bulk message actions (the ones in bottom right corner)
]Clicking date field doesn’t open message - other fields do, why not?
[]Threaded messages are collapsed, they should be uncollapsed or toggleable, not click through to a seperate view
]Some tool tip popovers on icons flow off screen and can’t be read (bulk message actions that appear in bottom right corner)
[]Canceling an email composition (reply or new) leaves you in the draft folder. Should return to inbox
]New messages lack values for the date and size columns. Date is blank. Size shows “undefined”. Both are updated on page refresh.
[]Runbox 7 logo in folder pane responsive mode (active on narrow windows) links to an incorrect URL ( Should be
]Refreshing the page clears Threaded Conversation selection and returns to default flat list
[]Inline attachment display broken in HTML messages. This may be by design but something more graceful than blank rectangle would be good.
]Complete a draft message and send it. Sending inidication is successful but compose window stays active with email still open. Successfully sent email should close and you should return to the dfarts list or inbox is drafts are empty.
[]Successfully edited and sent draft message remains in draft folder. It should be removed upon send. (EDIT - this happens until page is refreshed, it seems there is a persistent bug with updating the page when certain actions are completed)
]Email sent by user in HTML are by default displayed in the sent folder as plain text. It’s not necessary to ‘protect’ the user from email they have sent themselves and RunBox should therefore display sent messages in the formet they were sent. Users shouldn’t have click a two step process for things they themselves created.
Style issues:

[]Design isn’t fully responsive, shrinking the browser window doesn’t resize the message list fields (subject/date/size etc)
]Message list font size is large, consider making smaller, even for smaller screens.
[]Font size in general is a bit large (make configurable?)
]Message list fields don’t reflow over multiple lines if field size is narrower than text
[]No ‘wide’ style view with message list on left and preview pane on right
]Top bar blue menu hidden when window width shrinks (how do you get to contacts/files etc without this menu?)
[]Preview pane shows permanent scroll bar. Message list pane never shows scroll bar. Maybe show as required?
]Page title (shown in browser tab) is non-descriptive. It could be updated dynamically to indicate where you are in the app (inbox/sent/compose etc)
Message action in preview pane:

[]no archive button
]no ‘edit as new message’ function
[*]no ‘view source’ or ‘view headers’ function

I use “Edit as new message” quit regularly. My use cases are :

  1. I have used a wrong email address first. Just click “Edit as new message”, change the email address and voilà, ready to send again.
  2. Or forgot someone in an email to multiple recipients. Although in Thunderbird it is annoying that you have to remove the existing emails addresses one by one.
  3. Need to send an email again to multiple recipients, just click “Edit as new message”, change the email text and subject and ready to go. In Thunderbird the alternative would be reply all to a sent message and change everything.

The first use case is the most used one. For the second use case an option to clear all (selected) recipients would “the cream on top”.
[color=inherit][size=small][font=X-LocaleSpecific, sans-serif, Tahoma, Helvetica]

#s3gt_translate_tooltip_mini { display: none !important; }[/font][/size][/color]

This is an excellent list! And covers many of my issues.

Some additional issues:

  • The subfolders I created also no longer tell me when there is new email for the messages I filter
  • The folder boldness does not change, and there is now only 1 number - total, and not 2 numbers - total and new.
  • There is no way to tag or flag something from the main inbox
  • Ditto on the preview pane - major issue that I can’t move it. I know you’ve noted it. I want to emphasize how frustrating this is.
  • I am on Opera, MAC OS X latest, and I couldn’t bulk select and delete. It did nothing.
  • Indexing took a really long time, and was in fact totally off - my regular inbox on your main site was up to date with messages while the indexed one was not. Not sure what the indexing was meant to do at all.
  • Every time I send a letter, I am taken back to the Drafts folder, not the Inbox.

Thank you.

Selecting a range of messages has now been added to our issue tracker [#771].

  • Geir

Yes, I use this functionality in my desktop email client quite a lot for many of the reasons above that you mention. I kind of use a sent mail as a template sometimes too. Don’t tell anyone though as we have a Templates folder for that sort of thing already :smiley:

Issue #762 is now fixed.

  • Geir

Move message action buttons to the top of list (issue #765) is now in the pipeline to deployment.

  • Geir

Flexible preview pane (#739) is now deployed.

  • Geir

Support for indication of attachments and reply/forward/flag status when using local index is now implemented (#763).

  • Geir