RB 7 Drafts and compose

This may be something to look into at some point, the Drafts folder sometimes seems to have the drafts all over the place. EG if I have 4 drafts when I go in they are not orderly one under the other, sometimes side by side.

Secondly for some reason when I go to compose a new email at the bottom of my new email/draft other drafts will be underneath the new email. This can be disconcerting as I then hope the email won’t go to the wrong person…


It seems like your Drafts folder and composing emails are displaying drafts in an unordered manner, sometimes side by side instead of vertically. This can be disconcerting, especially when drafting new emails, as existing drafts might unexpectedly appear beneath the new email. It’s advisable to check your email client’s settings for options to organize drafts by date or title. Additionally, ensure you’re not inadvertently dragging drafts into new email compositions.

Hope it helps ! :slightly_smiling_face: