RB7 Sync issues

What is going on with RB7? I have not used it in ages. I much prefer RB6. Prefer the interface, how it works. While it looks dated, I cannot say that RB7 is any better. I much prefer the interface of Proton. Anyhow, that being said…

I decided to try out RB7 again after many months of not using it. I usually download my mail via POP using TB, but until then, I monitor my mail via the web. I have 3 folders, (inbox plus 2 others that I use). on RB6 there are 2 messages in Inbox, 7 in another and 0 in the 3rd. I just keep my online webmail nearly empty. I load up RB7, and it now shows me 2 in inbox and 22 in the other. So I stopped synchronization and they seemed to go away. Then RB7 decided it wanted to sync again with a message on top “Runbox will now synchronize with your device to give you an optimal webmail experience. The data can be deleted at any time using the buttons beneath the folder list” I just turned it ff, why did it turn itself back on again? I am back to 22 message again.

So I go back and stop sync … again … and now it goes back to 7 messages. I hit sync and it goes back and lists 22 messages again. It initially listed 52, then went to 22. Yet I know there are only 7. So where are these other messages coming from? The fact that I had deleted the old messages days ago, how is it that RB7 is able to still access them? That is kind of scary. I thought once deleted, they are gone.

Obviously, the sync is broken. The worst part is I can still load these messages up as if they were new. These messages date to the past week or so. Consdiering I have not been on RB7 in months, I am not sure how they could potentially be cached on my computer somehow. Old messages should not be popping up again.

When I click on “compose” it brings up the drafts and 2-3 seconds later the compose box comes up. Why do the drafts even come up at all? Just bring up the compose like every other email company.


Let me say I’m a Runbox supporter and have been a subscriber for a lot of years . Their team and support is wonderful. I like RB 6. It does all I need and at a good price and I like many of its security features

That said I, like you, am a bit perplexed about R7. It has been in Beta for so long. Other than the mail preview section in RB7 I tend to stay with RB6. If 7 became the only option I don’t think it would meet my needs as it still has too many frustrations .

I can’t quite understand the philosophy behind 7 or what the long term goals are.

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I know RB wanted to create something new and unique. Something that other providers do not have. However, there really is nothing unique about it. RB7 is buggy and not really enjoyable to work with. I am not a fan of the interface. While I understand that they want to do things differently, why reinvent the wheel? RB6 works. Other mail providers such as Google, Yahoo, Proton all seem to work just fine. Proton has a wonderful interface and user experience.

I do not know what will happen if RB6 ever gets decommissioned. I have been with RB for over a decade. I like the service, security and support. And while I use TB most of the time for my interaction with RB, I do check the mail via the web interface while at work. I keep very little email online, so I cannot say how good it is for email management (folders etc)


I don’t have too many issues with RB7 email. There are some buggy things, but that’s what it is—no-show st0ppers. My problem is with the calendar. It is just not usable.

I am fed up with R7. Clearing emails with my email client on android and then they are all back in my R7 inbox. There is no such problem with R6 which suggests that emails are stored separately in two applications. I see this as a security issue. Phishing and other emails that may contain a virus now remain on account when the expectation is they are gone. Suggest that Runbox either fix R7 or abandon it and allow their supporters to be confident in the product.

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I’m in personal agreement here as well. Version 6 is superior. I believe the Runbox Team are trying to keep up with the “snazzy” slick feel of some other email providers, and integrating newer functions are somewhat useful, however, quality and function trump appearance and gloss any day.

I really don’t care much nor need the majority of what Runbox 7 offers and I’m not pleased with 7 at all.

I prefer ALMOST everything in Version 6.

The following needs to be vastly improved and integrated:

1–The SAME scroll bar [next to the folders] which is in Version 7, just like in Yahoo mail – NEEDS to be integrated [into version 6]
2–Search function needs to be improved. There are many bugs.
2a. When searching for an email address via the “From” or “Entire Message” field, a recent message with the email address that was queried (searched for) does not appear in the results. Why???
2b. When using this exact search function WITH or WITHOUT the “Current Folder” box selected, it does not make a difference. The “Current Folder” option does not function either, or very poorly and sparsely. It’s certainly not accurate.

3-- Interface needs to be sped up a bit (caching ?) when moving/deleting messages to folders, e.t.c.

The only feature I really like in Version 7 is the scroll bar next to the folders, so I don’t have to “click and hold” each set of emails in order to move them down to my 140th folder, moving at 15 folder increments per second. That takes forever.

Please make these changes RunBox team.

I suggest focusing your attention back on 6. The glamor is not what I (we) really need. I understand much work has been invested into 7, however, there have been days where I’ve SERIOUSLY contemplated leaving Runbox altogether. In some cases, I’m still on the fence to be forthright. Runbox 6 should become the new Runbox 7, with all the changes as requested. The current 7 needs to be, well…use your imagination.

Thanks in advance for considering.

@John14.6Only4Hope We have no plans for updating Runbox 6 as Runbox 7 will become our main interface at some point in the future.

What would be really helpful to us is if you could detail what you don’t like about Runbox 7 and then we can try and make it something that you are happier with. It’s still actively being developed and we have lots of ideas already so hearing your ideas too would be helpful to us. Thank you.