Special characters turns into "question mark diamonds" in drafts

Thanks for your good work, I am slowly starting to use runbox 7 for everyday use, just need to squash all those bugs =)

Bug 1.

When saving a draft containing “æ”,“ø” or “å”, these characters turn into question mark diamonds when reopening the draft, including the headline. When pressing the headline, the character there reverts to a “Å” (in this case), but the question mark diamonds remain in the text, and have to be replaced manually.
Bug is reproducible, but only tested on this setup.

Bug 2.

When saving a draft, then reopening the draft, then sending the draft, then press a different mail in your inbox while the mail is still being sent, the sent mail remain in your draft pane. When pressing the draft I get a error; “Error opening draft for editing server error”. Bug is reproducible, but only tested on this setup.

Proposal 1.

Could you include a delete button, next to the edit button on each draft in the draft pane?

Windows 10 64 1803 / 17134.472
Chrome 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Not only in Drafts, also in RB6.

Thanks for your message – glad to hear you’re enjoying Runbox 7!

Bug #1 is now added as issue https://github.com/runbox/runbox7/issues/56.

Bug #2 added as issue https://github.com/runbox/runbox7/issues/58 with slight modifications.

Proposal #1 added as issue https://github.com/runbox/runbox7/issues/57.

– Geir


I just checked back on these issues, to follow up.

Thank you very much for including my proposal, appreciated.

As for the Bug #1 this is now fixed both in the text and the headline in the draft pane,
but when opening the draft to continue writing, it is only fixed in the text.

To be super clear, the bug is now:

When saving a draft containing special characters like “æ” “ø” “å” in the headline and in the body, and then opening this draft later to continue writing, I find that back in the compose mode, all the special characters have turned into “question mark diamonds” in the headline/subject field.

Thanks for working on it though, you have fixed 3/4 of the problem, as it now works in the draft pane, and in the body of the text always. =)


Just checked github, and see that this is already old news, sorry.