Unread & Total Counters [#928]

In both the old interface and Runbox 7 the unread message counters are inaccurate. I was told this was a known issue but don’t see it listed in the forum (sorry if I missed it), so figured I’d post.

Issues I’m seeing:
Unread count not updating after marking message as unread.
After marking a message as unread, or all messages, the counter does not update. Filtering unread messages shows an empty folder but the counter does not change.
Note: I was told by support that this only updates when the server syncs and that this happens every 24 hours. It would be nice to be able to have this update more often.

Inbox counter shows incorrect count for both unread and total.
My Inbox regular shows “-1” for the unread count. I have also seen the total count not show the correct number. For example I had 28 emails in my Inbox. The count showed “-1/0”. When checking the Manage Folders section, it showed 0/0 and did not register any disk usage for the Inbox.

Thanks for your feedback – we are investigating these issues with our technicians.

– Geir

Added issue #928 for the unread count error.

For the total count error, could you open a support ticket at https://support.runbox.com and provide your Runbox username for our technicians to investigate the problem? Reference this post to ensure your request is processed appropriately.


– Geir

Hi Geir,

I actually put in a service ticket on this and another issue about 2 weeks ago. I created this post as well in case others had the same issue. I will paste support’s reply here…

As for the incorrect total message counts in folders this is something we see from time to time; you could try emptying your browser cache though. Fairly minor bugs in the current webmail are admittedly not being looked at much since we have a brand new webmail in beta, which we are trying to get ready for launch, thank you. Best wishes, Liz

Although Liz mentions this is only noticed “from time to time”, this is something I do see all the time. In fact, right now I have 21 emails in my Inbox. At the top it shows the correct count, in the folder list to the left it shows 0/0. See pic…

I closed the ticket under the impression it was not persistent and only affected the current webmail. I understand and accept that it’s not a high priority in the current version, however the problem seems to persist in RB7 as well…

Maybe others will have similar issues which may help you shed more light on the problem.


The support request and screenshot provided initially related to Runbox 6, so that’s what the support reply quoted above addressed.

It seems the Runbox 6 numbers in the database are correct now – if the Runbox 6 interface doesn’t reflect this, it should correct itself by clicking on “Refresh” or on a folder.

In Runbox 7 the numbers depend on whether you are using the local index – if you are, try to stop and restart index synchronization. Your account has now been re-indexed on the server, so you should then receive a fresh and correct index.

– Geir

A new version has been deployed that should report unread counters reliably.

– Geir