What can I do about CalDav and CardDav on Android devices?

Just to be clear, I have multiple e-mail accounts in Thunderbird.

I have 2 x CardDAV address books - one for Runbox, and another for Fastmail.

The contacts in the Fastmail address book are not visible in the Runbox address book and vice versa - they are separate entities.

Any contacts that I create or edit in the Runbox address book in Thunderbird, are synced with my Runbox RB7 contacts. It’s multi-directional.

Thanks for the clarification. In RB7, is there some UI for forcing a CardDAV sync? When I use the DAVx5 software on my Android phones I can see 4 address books on devices that are logged into the account and a checkbox next to the ones I want to sync to that particular device. I’d assume that all 4 address books should be syncing to Runbox, because they are all using the same Runbox account info and URL. But why has nothing ever shown up?

I’m not aware of anything in the Runbox UI for forcing the sync, there is a setting in CardBook in Thunderbird for the syncing, and that’s what I’ve used.

Perhaps consider sending an e-mail to Runbox Support, and reporting the problem. You may get a quick response that way.

Thanks. Will do. When it seemed to not be working entirely, I figured it was a DAVx5 configuration issue. Now that the phones appear to be communicating with each other that gives me a little more confidence there’s something on the Runbox side.

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We’re aware that some customers find DAVx5 and Thunderbird (with an appropriate add-on) works fine with the Runbox CardDAV service and other customers have problems. We’ve done some investigating and we think this is to do with discrepancies between where the contact clients are looking for contacts and where they are actually stored.

We’re collecting a number of these issues together (and some relating to CalDAV as it’s the same service) and will look at them as part of a bigger project to improve these services. We don’t have a date for when we will do that yet, but it is something we are aware of and are gathering more information on the issues.


Thanks for this feedback, Dave. Missed it until now. Is there a CardDAV client that you’ve seen reports of having more success with Runbox? I’m neutral on what I use, just want a way to make sure my contacts are synced between two phones and also stored in Runbox.

Any news/progress on this?

Hello. There is still no date for when we will progress this project. Sorry for the ongoing delays. Thank you.