New sync possible?

“You should not fear their iCloud service. They do not analyze your data”


So why Apple keeps the users crypto keys exclusively on US servers?
The fair-play approach will be only in case that Apple trows away each customer key!

Sorry you’re wrong, please read the US Cloud Act.

Sorry but you’re wrong again, see article G.

Can I please ask that before forum members delete their posts that they consider why they are deleting the posts and how that changes the discussion? :slight_smile:

Amongst other reasons this forum exists so that people can be more informed about a wide range of relevant issues to the technology involved in providing online services, and not just those provided by Runbox.

This topic has now in part become less useful and harder to follow because it has gaps. While some of the discussion had gone slightly off topic, it was still relevant.

There are of course good reasons for deleting posts, such as if they are posted in the wrong place by error. Another reason might be if you just change your mind about contributing to a topic. However, once your posts become part of the discussion with other forum members they become an integral part of the conversation. We value those contributions (and all contributions), and deleting them can have an adverse affect on the overall discussion.


Lets resurrect this thread. This was written on 26.07.2016:

Runbox CalDAV is the first of a new collection of services that will also include CardDAV (contacts) and WebDAV (file storage), so look out for more news in the weeks and months ahead.

By my understanding switching the access to Files from FTP to WebDAV is merely a cosmetic issue and the HTTPS is much safer as the deprecated FTP. Thank you.


Contacts Sync has now been released. I can tell you in secret that Calendar is next on the radar, but I don’t want to make any promises as to the timeline of it yet ;­) Stay tuned!

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